// JavaScript Document $(document).ready( function() { $("#slider1").immersive_slider({ animation: "bounce", // the animation to these: slide (default), bounce, fade, slideUp, and bounceUp slideSelector: ".slide", // custom selector for each slides in case container: "", // the container of which the background will appear cssBlur: false, // generate the blur image on the fly. pagination: true, // pagination loop: true, // the slider to loop. Default is true. autoStart: 5000 // number of milliseconds before it navigates automatically. }); $("#slider2").immersive_slider({ animation: "bounce", // the animation to these: slide (default), bounce, fade, slideUp, and bounceUp slideSelector: ".slide", // custom selector for each slides in case container: "", // the container of which the background will appear cssBlur: false, // generate the blur image on the fly. pagination: true, // pagination loop: true, // the slider to loop. Default is true. autoStart: 5000 // number of milliseconds before it navigates automatically. }); $(".tab-content").hide(); $("#toppost-tab").addClass("tab-title-active"); $("#toppost").fadeIn('slow'); $(".tabs-title li a").click(function() { var activeTab = $(this).attr("href"); $(".tabs-title li a").removeClass("tab-title-active"); $(this).addClass("tab-title-active"); $(".tab-content").hide(); $(activeTab).fadeIn('slow'); return false; }); });