// Control parameters var theCharacterTimeout = 50; var theStoryTimeout = 5000; var theWidgetOne = "_"; var theWidgetTwo = "-"; var theWidgetNone = ""; var theItemCount = theSummaries.length; var NS6=(document.getElementById && !document.all) ? true : false; // Ticker startup function startTicker() { // Define run time values theCurrentStory = -1; theCurrentLength = 0; // Locate base objects if (document.getElementById) { runTheTicker(); } else { document.write(""); return true; } } // Ticker main run loop function runTheTicker() { var myTimeout; // Go for the next story data block if(theCurrentLength == 0) { theCurrentStory++; theCurrentStory = theCurrentStory % theItemCount; theStorySummary = theSummaries[theCurrentStory]; theTargetLink = theSiteLinks[theCurrentStory]; } var textTitle = theStorySummary.substring(0,theCurrentLength) + whatWidget(); if (theTargetLink ) { if (NS6) { document.getElementById("theTicker").innerHTML = ''+textTitle+''; } else { document.all.theTicker.innerHTML = ''+textTitle+''; } } else { if (NS6) { document.getElementById("theTicker").innerHTML = ''+textTitle+''; } else { document.all.theTicker.innerHTML = ''+textTitle+''; } } // Modify the length for the substring and define the timer if(theCurrentLength != theStorySummary.length) { theCurrentLength++; myTimeout = theCharacterTimeout; } else { theCurrentLength = 0; myTimeout = theStoryTimeout; } // Call up the next cycle of the ticker setTimeout("runTheTicker()", myTimeout); } // Widget generator function whatWidget() { if(theCurrentLength == theStorySummary.length) { return theWidgetNone; } if((theCurrentLength % 2) == 1) { return theWidgetOne; } else { return theWidgetTwo; } } startTicker();