0. Install the software 1. Installing SP3 from start menu run CST update manager import: crack\Service Pack 3\CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2011_140120112100130520112101_SP3.sup install 2. Install 3 (three) CST service Control Panel Administration Component Services 3 CST Services (Local) => start 3. stop 3 (three) CST service Control Panel Administration Component Services 3 CST Services (Local) => stop 4. copy and replace the license.dat and CSTpatcher11.exe in "\CST STUDIO SUITE 2011" folder (where set) 5. open the license.dat and Edit a line: change 'ARIAN' to the real host name (computer name) 6. Run CSTpatcher11.exe in "\CST STUDIO SUITE 2011" folder 7. start stopped before three (3) Service CST 8. run CST STUDIO SUITE 2011 and choose the 'local' and browse 'license.dat' (specify path to it in the "\CST STUDIO SUITE 2011"), change the port to port in the license.dat (if nothing changed, then 27001) change 27000 into 27001 completed by Mir Mahdi Khandani www.hajihoseini.ir ,,. ;XXS5Sr;, iSrr:s;5Sir. . .2r:;;r:r;ss:;, : , ss;;isi;r:rrXr, sh ., rsrsS392rr;irr; GX ,. rr;s5X9h2iis,rs rX2 ... ::,,;rS99X2;r3.:i. ... . i22 ... ,,::;r59h2s2:.2Sr .,,, s52 ... :,,,::;S32S2,;;Xs: ,,,, ,,,, r52 ... ,5;::;;r5399,r;r:2; ,;:::::. :.,, sS2 .. Ar .s::;;srr29sisr;rr: : :,,:: :.. .,.sS2 . ;@@@M ;:,,;rrr59Xiss;,:r , ,:::. :.. ,:,.iS2 .@@@@@@@s :;,,:;;rSX5Ss;,rS:.. :, , .:,. iS5 H@@@@@@@@@@: ;5irrrrr225Ssr2:;..,. .,:. .: ,: iSS .@@@@@@@@@@@& .:::;rsi255iir.;s .,:::,. ,: ....SSi ;@@@@@@@A ..:;;sXS5i;rss. ,. , ,:, :, ,5Sr H@@@@, r:...,;s2iSsr,;r. ,:::;..::, .:.:55; 5@@@@@@: :S;:;::;S5sS;,r;r:::,,:, :, .;52, .A@@@@@@@@@@; .:r;;sssi2i5rrr;;: ,,. .:. r2X. ,@@@@@@@@@@@G ... rr::;rS2r5s:s,; .,,::. sXX :@@@@@@@A .. , .:. ,:;:::rXiiiir,r . 5X5 2@@@# ...,,. , ,, ., , :;;;rri2r2s::r, 3Xi Mi ,, ...,. . ..., ;;;;rrXris;;i ;h9; .. ,ih&A9r ...,. .. .,. . r;;rrSS;5ri:; ;&G, .. :3933X3hAX ...,. . ,:;rS3;Ss:i2,,. , s&G. .. iB9X23G9X3AG .... . .,:r3rrr2s; ,: 9GG. .. ;#h5 ,2GX3H9 ... s: ;;:;2s;3r.; .... sAh3 .. GAX3: r9X9Mr .... :Br r:rS5;S::; ,5BX&i .. AGX9HHA3r;XX3AG ... XM. :s;sX:ir;, :i2XXhB#;rHr .. sBh9hG&&&92229H. .. ,#9 riS3:is; SM@#MMMMB; XB; ... ;hAAAAAG32223H. .. r@r ;5X;ss. ;@@#BAA&3r HB, ... .:;sX&hXXA .. i#. :5;r, r@Gs;:,. ,HB, .... s&9& . r@ ;s,. ,#S . ;HB; .... ,AX ,@. . ... ,s,, 5Bs .. ;HAX ........... ,B: HS .,. .... .,;rihhGhG9&AAAGXi: ;HhMr .:rXA#s .@, ,,,,....... .:r5GHMMBA&A&h339&AAHM##A ,Hh&#hr;;;;;ri53AM##MBr ,@S ...... ,;i9H##MBHAAAAA&Gh3XXX3&&hh&MH XHh&H########MBAAAA2. ##i ,;5GM##BHHHAΞ:. Sh2X: sh&9hM: 2HAGhhhhhhhhG&Ahs 2@##G5srs2&M##BHHA&2s: ;A2X5 ;99H, ,5h&AA&&&hXS;. &#BM####MBBHA9S;. A9XG&: i&3 ;hHBBHHG2r, ;B39&BA23H. . iH&hhG&A; ,2AA&5. ............................................................................................................ ..............................................................................................Photo2Text.com CopyRight@photo2text.com