1 00:00:00,911 --> 00:00:03,124 DeokspatchX 2 00:00:03,944 --> 00:00:07,532 Players coming in 3 00:00:08,891 --> 00:00:12,908 Deokspatch, Idol Beef world championship 4 00:00:13,291 --> 00:00:18,152 Oath Us who participate in the championship 5 00:00:18,152 --> 00:00:22,680 Swear as following First, we don't cry when we fall down 6 00:00:23,291 --> 00:00:24,073 We don't!!!! 7 00:00:24,972 --> 00:00:26,641 First, we get our own part in the video 8 00:00:26,869 --> 00:00:27,720 We will!!! 9 00:00:28,050 --> 00:00:29,885 Another one, Do foul play carefully! 10 00:00:30,165 --> 00:00:31,184 We will!!! 11 00:00:31,517 --> 00:00:37,088 With the mindset of a rookie and moon crystal power from Deokspatch 12 00:00:37,450 --> 00:00:41,292 We will work hard to call many more fans 13 00:00:41,645 --> 00:00:46,568 And participate in this championship We will swear in under oath 14 00:00:46,838 --> 00:00:50,613 The representative of MonstaX, I.M! 15 00:00:53,134 --> 00:00:54,593 The last episode! 16 00:00:55,138 --> 00:00:56,775 Super power MonstaX babies are showing their amazing powers! 17 00:00:57,128 --> 00:00:58,347 The triathlon game in order to win the beef! 18 00:00:58,724 --> 00:01:00,917 We start now! 19 00:01:01,387 --> 00:01:02,609 Who is the athlete of the group? 20 00:01:02,898 --> 00:01:05,540 We don't do sports 21 00:01:05,852 --> 00:01:10,367 We only do singing and dancing That's what we were trained for 22 00:01:10,861 --> 00:01:11,281 Music 23 00:01:12,360 --> 00:01:14,095 We never did sports 24 00:01:14,405 --> 00:01:15,524 Isn't Shownu best at sports? 25 00:01:15,774 --> 00:01:18,428 He's only good in water He's not good on the ground 26 00:01:18,677 --> 00:01:20,571 His nickname is turtle 27 00:01:20,857 --> 00:01:21,641 He is a turtle on land 28 00:01:21,999 --> 00:01:23,198 Who hopes to be an athlete idol today? 29 00:01:23,576 --> 00:01:26,032 Me! 30 00:01:26,327 --> 00:01:28,242 Everyone needs to dream 31 00:01:28,541 --> 00:01:30,354 But I don't think Jooheon should raise his hands at all 32 00:01:30,651 --> 00:01:30,933 This one too 33 00:01:31,810 --> 00:01:34,217 MonstaX is really not good at sports 34 00:01:34,650 --> 00:01:35,870 What do we need in order to play games? 35 00:01:36,291 --> 00:01:38,506 Divide teams! 36 00:01:39,238 --> 00:01:40,398 Hyungwon's pretty good~ 37 00:01:40,820 --> 00:01:42,187 This will be fun! 38 00:01:42,565 --> 00:01:44,093 A team game with MonstaX's pride on the line 39 00:01:44,333 --> 00:01:44,455 The brother team Shownu, Wonho, Minhyuk 40 00:01:45,302 --> 00:01:46,988 We will win 41 00:01:47,971 --> 00:01:48,796 A team game with MonstaX's pride on the line 42 00:01:49,209 --> 00:01:50,744 Brother team Kihyun, Jooheon, I.M 43 00:01:51,445 --> 00:01:52,974 You will become pieces 44 00:01:53,331 --> 00:01:55,985 He is determined to break the brother's team into pieces 45 00:01:57,365 --> 00:01:59,257 The two older ones want to join the yonger team 46 00:01:59,600 --> 00:02:01,790 We are the one~~ Shownu is the only one alone 47 00:02:02,113 --> 00:02:05,398 He joins too~ 48 00:02:05,748 --> 00:02:06,201 Things to watch 1. The rival structure of the two 49 00:02:06,565 --> 00:02:08,691 2. The funny gags of the members 3. Who will win the championship? 50 00:02:09,031 --> 00:02:12,153 The first round is breath-taking volleyball game 51 00:02:13,159 --> 00:02:16,323 My mother used to be a volleyball player She's really tall too 52 00:02:16,675 --> 00:02:18,401 That's your mom 53 00:02:18,678 --> 00:02:20,219 I got her blood 54 00:02:20,605 --> 00:02:22,644 They are passing the ball! 55 00:02:23,506 --> 00:02:26,434 Why do you do this to us? This is not a ball 56 00:02:26,773 --> 00:02:31,145 It's called breath-taking because we have to blow this until our heart stops 57 00:02:31,429 --> 00:02:33,009 Breath-taking volleyballb Blow the tissue into other team's field 58 00:02:33,289 --> 00:02:34,112 But don't cross the line on the floor The one who gets 3 points first wins 59 00:02:34,784 --> 00:02:37,463 Let's to rocks, scissors and papers to decide who goes first 60 00:02:37,876 --> 00:02:39,954 Rocks, paper, scissors 61 00:02:40,199 --> 00:02:41,927 Younger Brother team wins! 62 00:02:43,830 --> 00:02:47,224 The moment I throw the tissue the game starts 63 00:02:47,552 --> 00:02:48,774 You said it's ours 64 00:02:49,197 --> 00:02:49,900 I will blow the tissue 65 00:02:50,292 --> 00:02:52,072 What if I blow the tissue and it goes back to you? 66 00:02:52,380 --> 00:02:53,788 He feels uncomfortable 67 00:02:54,117 --> 00:02:56,120 You talk to much Let's just start first 68 00:02:56,496 --> 00:02:58,013 He seems to be a bad director 69 00:02:58,415 --> 00:02:59,620 What? -Sorry 70 00:03:00,005 --> 00:03:01,643 Let's start the breath-taking volleyball now~ 71 00:03:02,599 --> 00:03:04,735 Let's just start it since it's so sexy~ 72 00:03:05,312 --> 00:03:07,729 The one who does it lacks breath but our heart stops because of him! 73 00:03:14,263 --> 00:03:16,701 He touched it with his mouth 74 00:03:16,969 --> 00:03:17,295 Let's decipher it! 75 00:03:17,886 --> 00:03:19,443 What will the judge say? 76 00:03:19,665 --> 00:03:20,064 The brother team gets 1 point! 77 00:03:22,099 --> 00:03:22,706 He pushed it with his mouth! 78 00:03:23,133 --> 00:03:25,216 I couldn't do it because I thought I would kiss him 79 00:03:25,460 --> 00:03:26,100 Be quiet 80 00:03:26,575 --> 00:03:28,439 Tell us the reason 81 00:03:28,872 --> 00:03:31,480 The reason is that both of your face touched the tissue 82 00:03:34,033 --> 00:03:37,419 It did, but he pushed with his face 83 00:03:37,708 --> 00:03:39,292 -I didn't -Okay 84 00:03:40,121 --> 00:03:40,935 2nd round start 85 00:03:42,455 --> 00:03:44,449 Oh? 86 00:03:44,771 --> 00:03:48,286 It flew lightly and fell to the floor 87 00:03:49,029 --> 00:03:49,366 Why don't you blow? 88 00:03:49,933 --> 00:03:53,183 You need to!!!!!!!!!! 89 00:03:53,786 --> 00:03:54,506 The older brother team get's one point! 90 00:03:57,867 --> 00:03:59,779 Next attack is from the older team 91 00:04:04,193 --> 00:04:04,956 Again~ 92 00:04:05,561 --> 00:04:07,343 Another one due to the judge's mistake 93 00:04:07,704 --> 00:04:08,219 Nice catch! 94 00:04:09,381 --> 00:04:11,193 The judge is being unfair! 95 00:04:13,656 --> 00:04:15,463 The 3rd round starts 96 00:04:15,989 --> 00:04:19,615 Everyone is blowing hard~ 97 00:04:19,907 --> 00:04:21,857 The tissue goes out of line! 98 00:04:22,717 --> 00:04:24,540 He's good we give you 0.3 points!! 99 00:04:24,882 --> 00:04:27,592 They do it by themselves 100 00:04:28,511 --> 00:04:30,392 Monsta babies.. we thought our heart will stop 101 00:04:30,847 --> 00:04:34,121 The last hope of the younger team The seat change! 102 00:04:34,430 --> 00:04:35,716 What would you do if we take all the beef 103 00:04:36,046 --> 00:04:39,843 They are trying to make fun of the other team! 104 00:04:40,232 --> 00:04:40,753 Quiet 105 00:04:41,221 --> 00:04:42,744 Time out! 106 00:04:43,218 --> 00:04:45,298 I don't think the judge should have time out!! 107 00:04:46,237 --> 00:04:46,822 Wait 108 00:04:49,946 --> 00:04:51,937 Do this right 109 00:04:53,787 --> 00:04:55,950 Audio director~ 110 00:04:56,293 --> 00:04:59,277 Do it on this side too 111 00:04:59,579 --> 00:05:01,704 Do it lightly 112 00:05:05,614 --> 00:05:07,193 Let's go 113 00:05:07,311 --> 00:05:07,859 4th round start 114 00:05:09,229 --> 00:05:09,541 Hey 115 00:05:15,474 --> 00:05:17,459 Block right there 116 00:05:18,781 --> 00:05:19,680 The older team starts the attack 117 00:05:21,302 --> 00:05:23,334 Kihyun shows the lung capacity of the main vocal 118 00:05:24,520 --> 00:05:26,786 And dies 119 00:05:28,510 --> 00:05:30,426 The older team wins! 120 00:05:30,760 --> 00:05:34,635 This happy face 121 00:05:35,084 --> 00:05:37,518 2nd round heart-shooting archery 122 00:05:38,429 --> 00:05:40,404 They have the I'M Hawkeye 123 00:05:40,848 --> 00:05:44,480 His strong legs and sharp eyes 124 00:05:44,816 --> 00:05:47,264 I'm HawkI.M. 125 00:05:49,788 --> 00:05:52,893 He looks like a grandfather whatever he does 126 00:05:53,954 --> 00:05:55,836 So who good is he? 127 00:05:58,017 --> 00:06:02,375 He failed 128 00:06:04,514 --> 00:06:05,512 He seems like he will be good! 129 00:06:06,083 --> 00:06:06,406 Minhyuk will get the hearts! 130 00:06:08,007 --> 00:06:10,370 The dark horse of the archery, Jooheon? Or the awkward Hyungwon? 131 00:06:12,332 --> 00:06:14,711 They all failed 132 00:06:15,030 --> 00:06:16,744 I know how to do this now 133 00:06:20,567 --> 00:06:22,398 He's so cute 134 00:06:22,702 --> 00:06:24,277 He is here to steal the hearts! 135 00:06:27,055 --> 00:06:28,894 I am the Hawkeye! 136 00:06:32,403 --> 00:06:35,037 If he wins he is the Hawkeye 137 00:06:35,688 --> 00:06:38,160 Wonho 138 00:06:38,160 --> 00:06:40,253 He tries with weird pose 139 00:06:40,501 --> 00:06:41,608 You might break your teeth 140 00:06:42,858 --> 00:06:44,491 He goes! 141 00:06:45,346 --> 00:06:46,792 Really? 142 00:06:51,373 --> 00:06:53,720 Oh my god 143 00:06:57,185 --> 00:07:02,166 HawkI'M wins 144 00:07:02,698 --> 00:07:05,872 He's so proud of himself 145 00:07:06,163 --> 00:07:07,750 You can't finish all that 146 00:07:09,484 --> 00:07:10,512 Who are you going to eat it with 147 00:07:10,957 --> 00:07:12,705 With our team members 148 00:07:13,088 --> 00:07:14,670 The younger one is the best!!! 149 00:07:14,946 --> 00:07:17,243 MonstaX is the bet 150 00:07:17,706 --> 00:07:20,218 3rd round Relay race 151 00:07:20,878 --> 00:07:23,339 We will break you 152 00:07:23,844 --> 00:07:27,612 The warning towards younger group 153 00:07:27,974 --> 00:07:30,529 The younger group shows cuteness 154 00:07:30,832 --> 00:07:35,668 We run, we run!! 155 00:07:35,980 --> 00:07:38,369 Relay race 156 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:39,821 The box is different 157 00:07:41,179 --> 00:07:44,475 There's nothing in there, right? 158 00:07:44,741 --> 00:07:45,610 It might be lettuce 159 00:07:45,942 --> 00:07:48,621 They used up all their money here 160 00:07:49,104 --> 00:07:51,622 Were you guys fooled all the time.. 161 00:07:51,906 --> 00:07:53,874 Will their dreams come true 162 00:07:53,874 --> 00:07:55,121 Opening the box~ 163 00:07:59,664 --> 00:08:01,854 The best beef is here~ 164 00:08:02,125 --> 00:08:03,156 My eyes have changed so let's start 165 00:08:03,614 --> 00:08:08,124 Let's start the relay race! 166 00:08:09,728 --> 00:08:11,334 3rd round relay race 167 00:08:17,396 --> 00:08:19,616 They look like pretty girls running 168 00:08:19,900 --> 00:08:21,170 Relay race Get the cookies while limbo 169 00:08:25,285 --> 00:08:27,429 He gets it 170 00:08:30,804 --> 00:08:32,288 It's easy! 171 00:08:33,253 --> 00:08:34,671 younger team gets first 172 00:08:34,986 --> 00:08:36,994 Move the apple from the forehead to waist not using hands 173 00:08:37,310 --> 00:08:38,112 The older one is here too 174 00:08:38,399 --> 00:08:41,593 The pose is sexy~ 175 00:08:48,707 --> 00:08:52,394 The younger tem goes first 176 00:08:52,657 --> 00:08:55,705 The older team is done too 177 00:08:56,029 --> 00:08:59,351 Receive all five water ballons without popping them 178 00:08:59,722 --> 00:09:03,379 Hyungwon goes first 179 00:09:03,845 --> 00:09:05,997 Takes this! 180 00:09:06,389 --> 00:09:07,728 The older team wins agin? 181 00:09:09,003 --> 00:09:11,200 Hyungwon forgot the baton 182 00:09:16,109 --> 00:09:18,725 They water ballon is refilled until they succeed the game 183 00:09:22,633 --> 00:09:24,267 Wonho's ballon burst every time 184 00:09:29,362 --> 00:09:32,100 Younger team gets one 185 00:09:33,119 --> 00:09:35,859 Older team is still 0 186 00:09:39,131 --> 00:09:41,584 The younger team succeeds 187 00:09:45,431 --> 00:09:47,362 They lost their country 188 00:09:48,280 --> 00:09:50,394 The younger team wins 189 00:09:52,601 --> 00:09:55,437 I.M goes last 190 00:09:55,800 --> 00:09:58,742 Find the lost candy in the flour 191 00:10:02,341 --> 00:10:04,145 Look like old woman~ 192 00:10:04,555 --> 00:10:07,413 Side~ 193 00:10:07,922 --> 00:10:11,699 He succeeds with white face~ 194 00:10:12,073 --> 00:10:13,585 The older team is here 195 00:10:18,046 --> 00:10:18,468 The younger team wins 196 00:10:19,420 --> 00:10:21,535 This is gross 197 00:10:21,876 --> 00:10:24,326 The sweetness of winning! 198 00:10:24,676 --> 00:10:29,055 But there is no giving up! 199 00:10:31,001 --> 00:10:35,268 The younger team prepared a ceremony! 200 00:10:35,582 --> 00:10:38,642 Attack! 201 00:10:41,710 --> 00:10:43,374 Monsta X is still full of power! 202 00:10:43,632 --> 00:10:45,161 They have fun playing together! 203 00:10:47,177 --> 00:10:48,925 You guys are like babies 204 00:10:53,940 --> 00:10:55,976 Is the beef ours? 205 00:10:56,570 --> 00:10:58,242 It's MonstaX's! 206 00:10:58,515 --> 00:10:59,999 It's our teams 207 00:11:00,263 --> 00:11:00,837 Now? 208 00:11:00,837 --> 00:11:03,369 You have MonstaX in the middle 209 00:11:06,070 --> 00:11:09,315 The younger team wins the last game 210 00:11:10,658 --> 00:11:16,707 DoespatchX, the beef championship done! 211 00:11:22,115 --> 00:11:23,481 I love you~ 212 00:11:25,083 --> 00:11:27,485 MonstaX heart~ 213 00:11:27,757 --> 00:11:29,986 MonstaX's variety show diary MonstaX! Done with shooting the fan's heart 214 00:11:30,289 --> 00:11:32,755 You can't go anywhere else! Just look at us 215 00:11:33,048 --> 00:11:35,791 Did you know today is the last day of shooting doeskpatch 216 00:11:39,023 --> 00:11:44,996 We started with Doekspatch, and now we have X at the end.. and we're done 217 00:11:45,477 --> 00:11:48,419 The season 2 is here! 218 00:11:48,749 --> 00:11:51,145 The variety show project of MonstaX with a big dream! 219 00:11:52,065 --> 00:11:55,384 We had fun togehter every day We laughed everyday with Deokspatch and grew together 220 00:11:55,762 --> 00:11:58,327 We liked everything 221 00:11:58,677 --> 00:12:00,330 Now the time is over 222 00:12:00,677 --> 00:12:10,565 I think I showed myself well here and I had fun since we were like family 223 00:12:10,913 --> 00:12:18,137 I think it showed us really well You took care of us really well 224 00:12:18,395 --> 00:12:19,298 So fake 225 00:12:19,574 --> 00:12:23,643 I think it was possible because we had the staff with us 226 00:12:24,013 --> 00:12:25,508 Thank you so much Deokspatch 227 00:12:25,768 --> 00:12:34,860 7 times with Monstax The seven smiles we had 228 00:12:35,971 --> 00:12:40,258 It's the 7 memories they will keep 229 00:12:40,258 --> 00:12:48,346 I'm sad that it ends Let's see at Season3 230 00:12:48,748 --> 00:12:58,824 Star is Deokshim! DeokspatchX 231 00:12:59,156 --> 00:13:00,560 End~ 232 00:13:00,846 --> 00:13:03,568 Love MonstaX 233 00:13:03,892 --> 00:13:05,690 Monstax, Great job -The staff