disp (' This is the code of Fixed point iteration method.Is writen by Ali Ashouri and Nima Ashrafi') format long disp (' ') disp (' ') disp (' ********Before enter anything read all of introduction that will write. read all of them*******') disp (' ') disp (' at first calculate the differential function which used in this method.so write at commond window:') disp (' ') disp (' syms y;') disp (' diff(f(y)) ------- f(y) is your function at term like sin(y) or y.^2') disp (' ') disp (' ') disp (' x must be at double class and before play the program write its limit in commond window. like: x=-1:0.00001:1') disp (' ') disp (' real function should be start by @(x) like : @(x) sin(x)') disp (' ') disp (' secondary function should be start by @(x) like : @(x) sin(x)') disp (' ') disp (' differential of secondary function should be start by @(x) like : @(x) sin(x)') disp (' ') f=input('enter your real function : '); g=input('enter your secondary function : '); h=input('enter your differential of secondary function : '); a=input('enter the first number of limit : '); b=input('enter the final number of limit : '); x0=input('enter the x0 number : '); disp (' ') disp (' ') disp (' If you have not any epsilon, for eps or d enter 0 (zero) ') disp (' ') xn=g(x0); d=input('Enter the epsilon or d number : '); while ( max(g(x))>b || min(g(x))max(abs(a),abs(b))) disp(' your secondary function is uncorrect at inputed limit ') g=input('enter your secondary function : '); h=input('enter your differential of secondary function : '); while ( max(g(x))>b || min(g(x))x0 || xnd x0=xn; xn=g(x0); n=n+1; r=[num2str(n),' I ',num2str(x0),' I ',num2str(xn),' | ',num2str(f(xn))]; disp (r) end; end; disp (' ') disp ([' xn= ',num2str(xn)]) disp ([' n= ',num2str(n)]) toc;