clc clear all disp(' In The Name Of God '); disp(''); disp(''); disp(' this software is for important calculation parameter '); disp(''); disp(''); CLc=input(' enter your cl cruise: '); Vc=input(' enter your cruise velocity as m/s^2: '); Wfin=input(' enter your final weight in cruise flight as KG: '); Wint=input(' enter your begin weight in cruise fligh as KG: '); ct=input(' enter your thrust specific fuel: '); CDmin=input(' enter your CDmin: '); cd0=input(' enter your cd0 aircraft: '); k=input(' your aircraft k :'); L=1/(2*((k*cd0)^0.5)) A=input(char(' select your A/R (range),(endurance),(glider),(powerd glider): ')); switch A case 'range' R=input(' enter your flight range as meter: '); a=0; a=(log(Wint/Wfin)); b=0; b=(CLc/ct); c=0; c=(Vc/R); d=0; d=(c*b*a); e=0; e=(d-CDmin); h=0; h=(CLc^2); ARe=((h/pi)*(1/e)); ARe e=1.78*(1-(0.045*(ARe^0.68))) case 'endurance' E=input(' enter your flight time as seconds: ') ARe=((CLc^2)/pi)*(1/(((1/E)*(CLc/ct)*(log(Wint/Wfin)))-CDmin)); ARe e=(1.78*(1-(0.045*(ARe^0.68))))-0.64; e case 'glider' AR=44.482-((1672.2-(28.41*L))^0.5); AR e=(1.78*(1-(0.045*(AR^0.68))))-0.64; e case 'powerd glider' AR=(L+0.443)/1.7405; AR e=(1.78*(1-(0.045*(AR^0.68))))-0.64; e end