disp (' This is the code of Newton method.Is writen by Ali Ashouri') disp (' ') disp (' ') syms x; n=input(' Enter your number of data of xi or fi (n) : '); n=n+1; y=cell(1,n); f=cell(1,n); Z=cell(n-1,n-1); for i=1:n b=input(' Enter your data of xi : '); c=input(' Enter your data of fi : '); y(1,i)={b}; f(1,i)={c}; end; for i=1:n-1 for j=1:n-1 Z(i,j)={0}; end; end; disp (' ') disp([' xi : ',y]) disp([' fi : ',f]) for j=1:n-1 Z(j,1)={(cell2mat(f(1,j+1))-cell2mat(f(1,j)))./(cell2mat(y(1,j+1))-cell2mat(y(1,j)))}; end; for i=2:n-1 for j=1:n-i Z(j,i)={(cell2mat(Z(j+1,i-1))-cell2mat(Z(j,i-1)))./(cell2mat(y(1,j+i))-cell2mat(y(1,j)))}; end; end; Q=0; disp(Z) for i=1:n-1 U=1; for j=1:i U=U.*(x-cell2mat(y(1,j))); end; U=U.*(cell2mat(Z(1,i))); Q=Q+U; end; P=Q+cell2mat(f(1,1)); r=[' P(x) : ',P]; disp(r); u=input(' Enter your data of x : '); T=subs(P,x,u); disp(' ') disp([' The fi of your x is : ',num2str(sym2poly(T))]);